Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Marketing Mix - Promotion

"Sales promotion involves using short-term incentives to encourage customer purchasing, reseller support, and sales force efforts"

Snacks with Stylz has carefully thought up a few promotions for their product to retain their customers, and keep their competitors away. Usually men go to bars and they take a date with them and end up paying for all their drinks in order to look like gentlemen. By the end of the night next thing they know they’ve spent over one hundred dollars on food and drinks combined, which is a lot of money for one night and only a first impression. This is where Peruvian Nativas comes in clutch because we offer two bags for $2.99. Now a man can take his date out without spending over thirty dollars on food. Instead he will actually end up saving money and but still making a lasting impression. Another promotion they’ve thought up is a sweepstake. On the back of each bag of Peruvian Nativas there is a bar code that you can scan which will lead you directly to our website. Every time you buy a bag of our product you enter into chance to meet a world-renowned DJ and our very own sponsor Tiesto!

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